In a modern context, scientific advancement is driven by collaborative efforts and building upon the past labours of PhD students and early career researchers like ourselves. While significant results are documented across numerous journals, the key knowledge, methods and expertise required to achieve those results are often communicated by word of mouth and seldom documented. In the spin defect community1 we believe there is space for a forum in which we can archive and share useful and interesting information to fill some of the gaps in the formal literature. Our goal is to regularly collate community sourced articles, written for and by PhD students and early careers researchers, describing aspects of both experimental and theoretical quantum sensing which may not reach publication.
Defective Club aims to be a community for cross polination and learning between students or early career researchers. Articles will have a focus on methods and procedures, with a low barrier to entry. Small scale results that you want to share (e.g. the type of thing often found in thesis appendices) are also welcome. We emphasize that this is not a replacement for peer-reviewed journal publication, but more aimed at pedagogical writing.
Defective club focuses on the disciplines of defect physics in solid hosts. Whilst this will inevitably mean most posts are about the nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond, other defects and hosts are very welcome! Anything from microwave electronics and applications to fundamental properties and group theory are applicable. If you have something you want to talk about, get in touch, it’s probably interesting to us too.
You can find our authors at this link.
We warmly welcome anyone who wants to contribute! We can help you to find an interesting topic if you want to write but aren’t sure of a subject. We are also happy to do some of the grunt working making figures etc. In the future we will publish a list of missing topics in the wiki. Our team will provide editing and feedback before posting each article.
Editorial team
The current editors are Sam & Islay, PhD candidates in the Melbourne quantum sensing community. If you want to get in touch about anything you can contact us via defectiveclub [at] gmail [dot] com.
Currently specialising to the NV-like world, but we’re very happy to recieve manuscripts from related fields where relevant, e.g. exciton quantum sensing. ↩︎